2024 Resident Hospital Health Check


The 2024 Resident Hospital Health Check 

ASMOFQ and AMA Queensland in conjunction with the AMA Queensland Committee of Doctors in Training is pleased to announce the annual Resident Hospital Health Check.

The Resident Hospital Health Check is an anonymous survey which provides you with the opportunity to ensure your voice is heard regarding:

  • access to professional development leave
  • hours of work and overtime
  • hospital facilities
  • workplace culture including bullying and harassment

This survey is open to all doctors in training including:

  • Interns (PGY1)
  • Junior House Officers (PGY2)
  • Senior House Officers (PGY3)
  • Principal House Officers and Registrars

The 2024 Resident Hospital Health Check survey is currently open and will close on Thursday 12 September 2024. 

Complete the survey

We would love to come and visit your hospital and encourage junior doctors to complete the survey. Please contact us on 07 3872 2222 or email amaq@amaq.com.au


If you would like to discuss any aspect of the 2024 Resident Hospital Health Check survey in detail, please email membership@amaq.com.au. ASMOFQ also provides confidential, assured industrial relations advice to members on employment terms and conditions, or any industrial matter that may be causing you concern. Contact the team on (07) 3872 2222 or email asmofqld@asmof.org.au


Not a member of AMA Queensland and ASMOFQ? You can join at ama.com.au/join-ama to receive support and guidance on employment matters in addition to a range of professional development programs, services and benefits to support your career in medicine.